Training for outdoor adventures: Personal fitness gear you need

You’ve made your big decision. You’ve chosen to embark on an Outdoor adventure. Climbing a big mountain. Cycling. Rock climbing. A thru hike. Congrats. Now. Let's get ready!

Adventure and outdoor sports have recently become more sought as they tend to offer a deeper experience both mentally and physically. The outdoor experience seems to combine a balance between relaxation, physical attributes (fitness and calorie burns), mental endurance and self-reflection/meditation.

So whereas you don’t have to be a pro athlete or in supreme physical fitness to venture into the outdoors, you do need to be ready for the challenges that come with such activities. Even if you're just hiking 20km or scaling a short rock wall, you may be challenged from time to time.

Going on an adventure usually involves moving your body over rough and challenging terrain, whether walking, cycling, climbing or swimming. Ultimately, adventure involves locomotion – often via single-legged propulsion, such as walking and cycling.
Hence physical fitness empowers you to take on new challenges and longer adventures. It also helps keep you safe when the unexpected happens (and it certainly will).

For a better experience, incorporating some physical activities into your daily routine will prepare you well enough for your dream wild excursions.

Here are some simple personal fitness gear and clothing that come in handy when preparing for your outdoor activities.